Virtual tour LNCMI-T ( Toulouse )
Virtual tour LNCMI-G ( Grenoble )
The Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, located on two sites (Grenoble andToulouse), is a laboratory of CNRS (UPR3228) and Très Grand Instrument de Recherche (TGIR), associated with the INSA Toulouse, the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and the Université Paul Sabatier (UPS, Toulouse). LNCMI is user facility for high magnetic field research. The official missions of the LNCMI are:
– to generate the highest possible magnetic fields for research purposes
– to use these fields for in-house research and to develop the necessary scientific instrumentation
– to provide access to qualified users to these high magnetic fields and the surrounding scientific infrastructure.